As an eco-school we are always looking for ways that we can recycle items and do our bit to help the environment. Here you can find out about some of the schemes we are involved in and how you can help.
Clothes Bank
Our textiles bank can be found just inside the entrance of the playground. You can donate any old clothes, shoes, bags & belts and soft toys.
Tetra Packs

A red bin with the Terracycle logo can be found in reception where you can place biscuit wrappers or baby food pouches. Terracycle is a recycling organisation that collects hard-to-recycle packaging which they strip down and melt into materials that can be used to make new products such as benches or waste bins. For every piece of waste we collect, they will pay 2p to our chosen charity so we can save waste and raise money at the same time.
Ellacycle - Baby Food Pouch recycling. Any baby food pouches are accepted. Before donating please ensure all the food is squeezed out and and the caps put on. 2p per pouch will go to charity when 5 kilo’s is collected
McVities biscuit wrapper recycling. Any McVities wrappers accepted. Please ensure all crumbs and chocolate smears are removed.
Printer cartridges and mobile phones 
Did you know…
- More than 30 million inkjet cartridges are dumped each year in the UK (1800 tonnes)
- Each inkjet can take up to 1000 years to decompose
- On average, in the UK, mobile phone users upgrade their handsets every 18 months
- It is thought that only 20% of these are ever reused or recycled?
In partnership with Printer Cartridge Recycling Ltd, we have a scheme to recycle your empty small inkjet cartridges, mobile phones and surplus unused cartridges. (Please note we cannot take laser or large cartridges). We have a dedicated drop-off point at Reception for these items. Please see the attachment below to find out more about our scheme and to find out which items we can recycle.