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Ever thought of becoming a school governor?

We have a very dedicated and professional Governing Body.   

Being a governor is a great opportunity to give something back, learn new skills and make a difference to our school.  If you are interested in becoming a governor please contact either Alan Waller, chair of governors via the school or clerk to the governors - for more information.  

Please visit our Financial Information page to find out more about our Articles of Association and our other Academy documents.

Introducing the current Governing Body

Name  Member Date of tenure
Alan Waller - Chair of Governors and Chair of Finance and Operations Member Governor & Trustee 20.09.22 - 19.09.26

Vincent Costello - Vice Chair and Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee

Member Governor (Voting rights on FGB, C&S and Audit committees)  22.01.25

Jane Roberts - Chair of Audit Committee

Co-opted Governor 30.06.22 - 29.06.26

Katie James 

Headteacher 01.01.17 
Dafna Ashworth Co-opted Governor 19.05.22 - 18.05.26
Charlie Clover - Vice Chair of Finance and Operations Parent Governor 27.01.22 - 26.01.26
Sarah Wilkinson Parent Governor 14.07.22 - 13.07.26
Rob Austin-Goodall Parent Governor 07.11.22-06.11.26
Amy Coole Parent Governor 07.11.22-06.11.26
Dana Dundas Parent Governor 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2028
Neil Owens Staff Governor 03.07.19 - 02.07.27
Elyn Wynn Staff Governor 04.07.24 - 03.07.28
Dallas Davis Staff Governor 04.07.24 - 03.07.28
Richard Thwaite Co-opted Governor

16.01.25 - 15.02.29

James Hickman Parent Governor 16.01.25 - 15.01.29
James Atack  Member Governor  07.11.18 
William Partridge Member Governor 01.07.21  
Simon Thomas Member Governor 01.07.21 
Lou McRitchie Member Governor  16.03.23 

Find out more about our governing body's committees and specialist roles in the attached documents below. 

Former Governors


  • Mr Paul Engelbrecht - Member Governor - resignation accepted 23/09/2020
  • Mrs Rebecca Pritchard  - Co-opted Governor - resignation accepted 23/09/2020
  • Hans Henning Schmidt - Parent  Governor - End of term of office resignation accepted 23/09/2020
  • James Atack - Trustee Governor - resignation accepted 07/07/21
  • Mrs Fran Tyler - Staff Governor - resignation accepted 07/07/22
  • Mel Homewood - Co-opted Governor - End of term of office 31/08/22
  • Louise McRitchie - Parent Governor - End of Term of office 18/10/22 but resignation accepted and term ended Academic Year July 2022.
  • Jamie Newstead - Parent Governor - End of Term of office 06/10/23 but resignation accepted and term ended 20/09/2022
  • Will Joice - Vice Chair - End of term of office 18/10/22
  • Mrs Amanda Cripps - Member Governor  - 01/07/21 - resignation accepted 16.03.23
  • Ms Lauren Kemple - Parent Governor 07/10/19 - 13/07/23
  • Mrs Emily Pergusey - Staff Governor 03/0719 - resignation accepted 01.06.24
  • Mr Vincent Costello - Parent Governor - End of term of office 25.01.2025

Key to membership:

  • Parent Governors - elected by the parents/carers of pupils attending Charlton Kings Infants' School
  • Member Governors - elected by the members of the Governing Body of Charlton Kings Infants' School
  • Staff Governors - elected by the staff of Charlton Kings Infants' School
  • Co-opted Governors - elected by the members of the Governing Body of Charlton Kings Infants' School