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School Clubs

We are lucky that in Year 2 the children are able to attend extracurricular clubs run by the teachers. These include our school choir, an art club, a sports and dance club and a cooking club. 

There is also an election for the Eco Committee. The committee will be elected x3 per year.

Additionally, children will be chosen to help with handing out the school fruit and to act as guides (with Mrs James) to show parents around the school. 

Below are links to additional clubs run by outside sources but hosted at CKIS:

French and Spanish

Email Moira Jallow-Vulart for further  information  at or 

Please find the new registration links for the website here:



Alternatively please visit our website


Tai JuJutsu Kai- martial arts

Email for further information or visit

Happy Days Gym Club

Further information can be found on their their website at